About A. K. Graves

Meet the Author: A. K. Graves

* Wife to Mr. Graves
* Mama to three little Graves girls
* Book Dragon
* Fine Art Lover
* Music Enthusiast
* Film Fanatic
* History Buff
* True Crime Junkie
* Writer of Spooky, Swoony and Spicy words
A. K. Graves is a thirty-something, happily married mother of three fabulous girls and hails from America's very own high five, a Michigander born and raised. She is a writer of both paranormal and contemporary romance, and she is a firm believer that everyone should have their own happily ever after—or at least read about smoking hot demons, vampires, rockstars and MC members who fight hard and love harder until they do.
A. K. loves spending time with her husband and kids, and does so whenever she can, writing her spicy novels in the wee hours of the morning or late at night in order to get as much family time as possible. Whether it's trips to the zoo or a night in watching Disney+, those moments are precious and much needed to soothe her soul.
Not only is she a writer, but A. K. is an avid reader, a lover of ALL music, and a fine art enthusiast. She's a self proclaimed history buff, true crime junkie, and fan of the silver screen classics. If she isn't reading or writing romance, you can usually find her listening to a true crime or creepy history podcast, walking the halls of a museum, or watching her favorite movies.
She started writing at a young age, dabbling in poetry and short stories, but it wasn't until A. K. started reading romance in her late twenties that she decided to take a stab at writing her own. And now, with two series in the works and countless more books on the schedule, there isn't anything else she'd rather do as a career. Writing found its way into her heart and embedded itself into her soul.